Immerse yourself and your family in a completely different world on this baboon rehabilitation project. This will certainly be a very different family holiday, with all of you working together to help care for primates that have been orphaned or injured. Prepare to get mucky cleaning enclosures and offering care, go to bed each night feeling tired, but like you have made a genuine contribution.
A unique opportunity to immerse yourself in on-the-ground wildlife conservation, based in an area of abundant species diversity. Take a backstage pass to the Greater Kruger National Park: track a lion through the bush while guided by a local expert, collect information about rhinos to assist an anti-poaching team, and go behind-the-scenes at a wildlife rehabilitation centre.
Work with nature’s gentle giants on this inspiring conservation and research project. Working closely with the abused and displaced elephants, you gain a rich insight into one of the world’s most intelligent creatures. As a volunteer you get to know the elephants intimately whilst caring for them, feeding them and contributing to advancing research.
Du möchtest südafrikanische Meeresluft schnuppern und zeitgleich etwas Gutes tun? Dann ist das Pinguin und Seevogel Projekt genau das Richtige für dich. Denn in Südafrikas Lagunengebieten sind verschiedenste Seevogelarten zuhause und gleichzeitig bedroht. Eine Auffangstation kümmert sich um den Erhalt der betroffenen Arten. Als Freiwilliger setzt du dich für den Tierschutz ein. Auf nach Kapstadt!
Löwen, Elefanten, Leoparden, Büffel, Nashornvögel, Nashörner, Wildhunde und Hyänen - so vielfältig sind die Tierarten im Fokus unseres Artenschutzprojektes in einem 25.000 ha großen Naturschutzgebietes! Werde Teil des Forschungs- und Monitoring-Teams und unterstütze die Datenerhebung für wissenschaftliche Langzeitstudien über Afrikas ikonische Wildtierarten auf Wanderungen und Pirschfahrten.
Tierpflege in Südafrika: Das Zentrum für Seevögel kümmert sich um Pinguine, Kormorane und Pelikane. Im Projekt fütterst und pflegst du verletzte Tiere, hältst die Gehege in Ordnung oder hilfst bei der Aufzucht von Jungvögeln - das alles vor der atemberaubenden Kulisse des Tafelbergs. In und um Kapstadt kannst du alternativ auch Tierschutzorganisationen bei ihrer Arbeit unterstützen.
Our community program aims to engage local communities, empowering children as environmental role models via Outreach Campaigns and the Eco Club. The Eco Club, led by children, initiates projects like clean-ups and tree planting, enhancing community aesthetics while instilling pride and responsibility.
We believe we can improve someone's life by giving them the best opportunity possible, and it should start with a good education and as early as possible. Our program focuses on Early Childhood Development, through play based learning. Our playground is built with different materials, shapes, textures to stimulate our baby's brain. The best way to learn is by having fun! And you can help!
Get hands-on with Africa's famous wildlife and learn from some of the region's top conservationists - this rhino orphanage has even featured on the TV show 'The Supervet'! From bottle-feeding orphaned baby rhinos to monitoring adult rhinos that have been successfully released back into the wild, discover a whole holistic overview of rhino rehabilitation.
Our Green Kidz Environmental Education programme, is an after school club that runs each day and welcomes around 70 up to 90 kids (2024) from the local village and aims to grow wildly passionate young people. The program uses many strategies for teaching from physical activities, computer based learning and creative development. You will be immersed into the project as one of the team members.