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Marine conservation in South Africa

Einsatzort: Südafrika, Afrika
Aktions-Bereich: Natur-und Umweltschutz
This volunteering mission is divided into two programs (which can be combined) aimed at conducting research for marine conservation in South Africa:Mission for the protection of penguins and seabirds in South Africa.Mission with biologists and researchers for the protection of great white sharks and whales.

Projekt und Rolle der Freiwilligen

This volunteering mission consists of 2 programs, with the common goal of advancing research for marine conservation in South Africa:**Penguin and Seabird Protection Mission:** Participate in the activities of the APS (African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary), a unique and tailored rehabilitation center for seabirds. Volunteers assist with the temporary care of sick, injured, oiled, and displaced animals, specifically African penguins, an extremely endangered species. These activities are part of a conservation plan for African penguins and other seabirds.

  • **Great White Shark and Whale Protection Mission:** The center is located in a prime diving spot that attracts great white sharks, just two hours' drive from Cape Town, and offers volunteers the opportunity to work alongside the scientists and biologists at the center. You will observe exceptional marine species and learn about the biology and behavior of great white sharks and other local marine species (dolphins, seals, penguins, whales).
    As this is a research center focused on the marine ecosystem, volunteers can choose from several missions:

    Sanctuary for penguins and seabirds

    Research on great white sharks

    Whale observation

    It is therefore possible, depending on the needs of the center and the interests of the participants, to establish a rotating system to experience all aspects of marine conservation in South Africa.

  • Die Freiwilligen-Organisation stellt sich vor

    As a specialist in international volunteering, we work exclusively with development projects that have a strong impact on the environment and local communities.
    Our role is to match your objectives and skills with the needs of local projects. We offer immersive experiences that will provide you with an unforgettable human adventure.
    So wählen wir die Organisationen auf unserem Portal aus.


    Südafrika, Afrika
    Natur-und Umweltschutz
    Minimum: 2 Wochen
    Maximum: 3 Monate
    (für vollständige Preisliste die Organisation kontaktieren)
    2 Wochen: 1600 €
    4 Wochen/1 Monat: 2600 €
    8 Wochen/2 Monate: 4600 €
    Warum für Freiwilligenarbeit Geld bezahlen?
    * Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr nach Angaben der Freiwilligen-Organisation. Bei Organisationen, die nicht in Euro abrechnen, können Wechselkurs-Schwankungen auftreten.
    Verfügbarkeit des Projekts:
    Jederzeit möglich
    18 Jahre
    kein Höchstalter
    Individuell oder Gruppe?
    Intermediate level of English (understand instructions, able to communicate).
    Besondere Qualifikationen:
    nicht erforderlich
    Unterbringung & Verpflegung:
    The accommodation consists of 4 chalets for 6 people, each equipped with a bathroom, kitchenette, and living room. The main building has a large, fully equipped kitchen, a spacious living room with a TV, board games, a pool table, and foosball. There is also a gym with some weights, a ping-pong table, a swimming pool, and a garden.

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