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School and sport project in South Africa

Einsatzort: Südafrika, Afrika
Aktions-Bereich: Soziale Freiwilligen-Projekte, Kinder-und Jugendbetreuung, Sport
These various volunteer missions in South Africa are divided into different programs, all aimed at supporting and helping local communities. They include teaching programs for children, education within schools in disadvantaged areas, and sports activities for children.

Projekt und Rolle der Freiwilligen

For this humanitarian mission in South Africa, we offer three social projects with children in Cape Town. An educational project, a sports facilitator project, and a surf instructor project.

Educational Mission:
You will be placed in schools in disadvantaged areas of Cape Town. Your main tasks will involve helping with school management and assisting teachers. You will be responsible for a group of young children, teaching them an activity of their choice, supervised by local staff. This can include theater, dance, gymnastics, soccer, drawing, or any other activity that promotes personal development. These classes are held between 3 and 5 days, either at school or after class, depending on the participants' profiles.

Sports Facilitator:
In addition to the educational mission in the morning, you will spend your afternoons engaged in sports activities. Sports classes help children acquire skills such as teamwork and discipline while contributing to their well-being and development. You can participate in existing sports programs (skateboarding, soccer, dance, boxing, swimming, and spikeball) or teach the children a new sport that they do not know or have never practiced. If the children show interest in the sport and have the capacity to continue, we will continue this activity even after your departure. If specific equipment is needed, you will either need to bring what you require or raise funds to finance it. For example, one volunteer brought boxing equipment to teach them non-contact boxing. It was a great success, and this activity still exists today.

Surf Instructor:
Alternatively, you can spend your afternoons teaching surfing, swimming, and skateboarding after the mornings at school. These activities are very popular with children aged 12 to 14. The club is open after school (from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM). The sports will be conducted in rotation, for example, 2 afternoons of surfing, 1 afternoon of swimming, and 2 afternoons of skateboarding.

Die Freiwilligen-Organisation stellt sich vor

As a specialist in international volunteering, we work exclusively with development projects that have a strong impact on the environment and local communities.
Our role is to match your objectives and skills with the needs of local projects. We offer immersive experiences that will provide you with an unforgettable human adventure.
So wählen wir die Organisationen auf unserem Portal aus.


Südafrika, Afrika
Soziale Freiwilligen-Projekte,Kinder-und Jugendbetreuung,Sport
Minimum: 2 Wochen
Maximum: 3 Monate
(für vollständige Preisliste die Organisation kontaktieren)
2 Wochen: 1090 €
4 Wochen/1 Monat: 1626 €
8 Wochen/2 Monate: 2876 €
3 Monate: 4076 €
Warum für Freiwilligenarbeit Geld bezahlen?
* Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr nach Angaben der Freiwilligen-Organisation. Bei Organisationen, die nicht in Euro abrechnen, können Wechselkurs-Schwankungen auftreten.
Verfügbarkeit des Projekts:
Jederzeit möglich
16 Jahre
kein Höchstalter
Individuell oder Gruppe?
Intermediate level of English (understand instructions, able to communicate).
Besondere Qualifikationen:
nicht erforderlich
Unterbringung & Verpflegung:
Hostels with rooms for 2-5 people. They are equipped with electricity, Wi-Fi, hot water, a kitchen, and communal bathrooms, with beds provided with sheets and pillows (no towels). They are located a 5-minute walk from the beach and restaurants. The association's staff assists and guides volunteers in all activities and organizes social events outside of the missions.

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  • Sofort eine E-Mail mit der Website und der Telefonnummer der durchführenden Freiwilligen-Organisation
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  • Einen Sprachführer als Dankeschön, wenn du dich später anmeldest
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