In Sri Lanka kommt es häufig zu Konflikten zwischen Mensch und Elefant, da sich der Lebensraum der Elefanten immer häufiger mit den lokalen Gemeinden überschneidet. Um diesen Konflikt zu lösen und die Elefanten zu schützen, wurde das Projekt gegründet. Als Volunteer unterstützt du das Team bei der Forschung und Beobachtung der Elefanten und trägst so zum Schutz der gefährdeten Tiere bei.
On the shores of Thailand's most beautiful beaches, you will participate in the protection of sea turtles and the ecosystem. During the dry season, the program will focus on coastal environmental protection and the marine ecosystem. During the rainy season, it will concentrate more on the terrestrial environment.
Participate in a marine conservation internship by assisting researchers and educating local populations on the importance of environmental protection. Contribute to data collection, research, reports, and the creation of protected areas, and enjoy your weekends diving, biking or boating, visiting nearby villages, fishing, and more.
Das Ziel dieses Naturschutzprojektes in Ost-Island ist es, die Natur von Island zu bewahren und zu pflegen und vor allem bei den teilnehmenden Volunteers ein Bewusstsein zu schaffen für die Gefahren des Klimawandels und insbesondere für erfolgreiche Gegenmaßnahmen, für ein umweltfreundlicheres Handeln, zum Schutze unseres Planeten.
Immerse yourself and your family in a completely different world on this baboon rehabilitation project. This will certainly be a very different family holiday, with all of you working together to help care for primates that have been orphaned or injured. Prepare to get mucky cleaning enclosures and offering care, go to bed each night feeling tired, but like you have made a genuine contribution.
Discover our international volunteer project in Mozambique focused on marine protection. Participate in research efforts and marine conservation in Mozambique by working on the whale shark project! Obtain your international diving certificate to dive up to 18 meters deep during a 4 to 7-day PADI diving training, depending on the conditions.
Located on a remote Costa Rican beach, far from tourists and development, this turtle conservation project combines experiencing life on the Pacific coast with helping to protect an endangered species. Track nesting turtles, protect their eggs, release their babies safely back to sea and help to promote conservation in this rural area.