We believe we can improve someone's life by giving them the best opportunity possible, and it should start with a good education and as early as possible. Our program focuses on Early Childhood Development, through play based learning. Our playground is built with different materials, shapes, textures to stimulate our baby's brain. The best way to learn is by having fun! And you can help!
In Kapstadt kannst du an verschiedenen Einsatzstellen medizinische Freiwilligenarbeit leisten. So hast du beispielsweise die Möglichkeit dich in einer ambulanten Klinik zu engagieren oder in einer physiotherapeutischen Arztpraxis mit zu arbeiten. Die medizinische Freiwilligenarbeit in Südafrika ist mit und ohne Vorkenntnisse möglich.
80% of the under 30 years old in our surrounding rural area are unemployed. We really believe that entrepreneurships can help a community in general, by giving the tools to young adults to become masters of their future and becoming their own boss, to financially support their family. We focus on soft skills training and the industries in demand.
Der Professional Field Guide Kurs im südlichen Afrika ist speziell für diejenigen konzipiert, die ihre Leidenschaft für praktischen Naturschutz mit einem tiefen Verständnis für Ökosysteme verbinden möchten, während sie sich in die Wildnis vertiefen. Ein echtes Highlight für alle Naturfreunde, welches mit dem offiziellen FGASA-Zertifikat anerkannt wird.
Work with nature’s gentle giants on this inspiring conservation and research project. Working closely with the abused and displaced elephants, you gain a rich insight into one of the world’s most intelligent creatures. As a volunteer you get to know the elephants intimately whilst caring for them, feeding them and contributing to advancing research.
Our community program aims to engage local communities, empowering children as environmental role models via Outreach Campaigns and the Eco Club. The Eco Club, led by children, initiates projects like clean-ups and tree planting, enhancing community aesthetics while instilling pride and responsibility.
Immerse yourself and your family in a completely different world on this baboon rehabilitation project. This will certainly be a very different family holiday, with all of you working together to help care for primates that have been orphaned or injured. Prepare to get mucky cleaning enclosures and offering care, go to bed each night feeling tired, but like you have made a genuine contribution.
Immerse yourself in the local community as an sports coach or volunteer English teacher - or both! Go into local schools with a group of volunteers to help children develop their knowledge, sporting abilities, motivation and enjoyment. Sports include football, tennis, swimming, rugby, cricket, netball and basketball.
Du möchtest deinen Beitrag leisten, handwerkliche Arbeit liegt dir und du wolltest schon immer mal nach Kapstadt. Bislang konntest du nicht alles unter einen Hut bringen? Jetzt schon! Besonders Südafrikas Bildungseinrichtungen brauchen jegliche Hilfe bei der Instandhaltung. Denn wenn Kindergärten und Schulen gut erhalten sind, haben die Kinder mehr Spaß am Unterricht.