Erkunde als Volunteer die USA und unterstütze ein spannendes 12-wöchiges Naturschutzprojekt! Kalifornien bietet mit seinen Stränden, Wüsten und Nationalparks ein echtes Outdoor-Erlebnis. Von der Basisstation aus startest Du Deinen Einsatz in verschiedenen Regionen des Bundesstaats. An freien Tagen kannst Du auf Ausflügen und Roadtrips weitere Highlights der Westküste entdecken.
The Elephant and Wildlife Conservation project has an award-winning approach to protecting elephants and wildlife which are found in the national park and local communities.You will assist their research to increase the understanding and knowledge of the 300+ elephants and other wildlife including sloth bears, leopards and jungle cats, living in the surrounding area.
Our Green Kidz Environmental Education programme, is an after school club that runs each day and welcomes around 70 up to 90 kids (2024) from the local village and aims to grow wildly passionate young people. The program uses many strategies for teaching from physical activities, computer based learning and creative development. You will be immersed into the project as one of the team members.
Die lokale Identität soll erhalten und die Entwicklung eines “grünen Tourismus” vorangebracht werden. So werden neue und wertvolle Arbeitsplätze geschaffen und die istrische Landschaft revitalisiert. Es soll ein Modell der nachhaltigen Entwicklung geschafft werden, das in anderen slowenischen Regionen oder in anderen europäischen Ländern repliziert werden kann.
The Mediterranean coastline is renowned for being one of the most spectacular areas of western Europe, yet this beauty may well be impacted by the single use plastic crisis. The threat is so serious that experts have predicted that there will be more plastic in the sea than marine life by 2050. Volunteers on this project contribute to the international effort to conquer the plastics crisis.
Explore the ocean and its creatures to help promote the future of the marine world. Become a part of this important research and conservation mission, whose findings are helping to shape Thai government legislation. With up to three dives per day and access to plenty of expert knowledge, you will learn to appreciate and understand the complexities of marine conservation.
Conservation volunteering with us in the Galapagos Islands allows you to have exclusive access to the Galapagos National Park: a unique opportunity to live surrounded by an amazing nature which is home to the largest number of animal species in the world. Join us and help with the protection of giant tortoises and sea lions.