Explore the ocean and its creatures to help promote the future of the marine world. Become a part of this important research and conservation mission, whose findings are helping to shape Thai government legislation. With up to three dives per day and access to plenty of expert knowledge, you will learn to appreciate and understand the complexities of marine conservation.
Combine adventure travel with volunteering on Australia’s famed East Coast. Start in Sydney before heading to Brisbane via the legendary Byron Bay. Volunteer on an environmental conservation project before sailing on the Whitsunday Islands, touring Fraser Island and snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef. Finish with a week in Cape Tribulation, a paradise where the reef meets the rainforest!
Join a team of adventure-loving researchers in the Okavango Delta - a huge wilderness that is home to the largest elephant population in the world and one of the last few places where you can spot endangered wild dog. Explore the famous Moremi Game Reserve, monitor priority species, and learn a variety of bushcraft skills as you move from camp to camp.
Du träumst davon, die Tierwelt im südlichen Afrika hautnah zu erleben? Dann mach mit bei in unserem Naturschutz-Projekt im Reservat am Limpopo–Fluss an der Grenze zwischen Botswana und Südafrika. Hier lebst und arbeitest du mitten im Busch – der Heimat zahlreicher Tier- und Pflanzenarten. Mitmachen können alle, egal ob mit oder ohne Vorkenntnisse.
Volunteers at our Wildlife Orphanage nurture animals and educate local children on wildlife care. We rehabilitate injured or orphaned animals, integral to our vision. Children, often unfamiliar with local wildlife due to poaching, learn to coexist and protect these animals, understanding their role in tourism and employment.
A perfect opportunity for families with teenagers, this bear sanctuary project enables you to work closely with these amazing creatures. Many of the bears were rescued from awful lives: kept in tiny cages or being forced to perform for tourists. They now live in peace at the sanctuary, cared for by the passionate team and enthusiastic volunteers.Maximum family size is 5.