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Greece - Marine and Coastal Conservation

Einsatzort: Griechenland, Europa
Aktions-Bereich: Natur-und Umweltschutz
The Marine and Coastal Conservation project researches and monitors the large seagrass meadows and sand dune systems that can be found around the beautiful island of Kefalonia in Greece.

Projekt und Rolle der Freiwilligen

The project studies the Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows and the sand dunes along south-east Kefalonia, categorised as vulnerable on the Red List.

Seagrass meadows are a larger carbon sink than the rainforest and play a critical role in mitigating climate change. They form an important ecosystem, providing vital habitats and nursery grounds for turtles, fish and lots of other marine life and organisms.

Sand dunes and their vegetation form coastal protection and a defence between sea and land and are a specialised ecosystem for many species including nesting turtles and rare dune vegetation. The dunes are under threat from development and climate change leading to degradation and erosion.

Volunteers support the work of the local conservation team and split the majority of their time between exploring the seagrass meadows and understanding the extensive dune systems. While surveying these areas, volunteers will document the flora and fauna, create topographies, and understand pressures both ecosystems face.

Volunteer tasks include:

In-water snorkelling surveys of the seagrass meadows - capturing geotagged photos of seagrass meadows
Assessment of seagrass meadows and geotagged photos to classify the sea floor
Sand dune habitat surveys, species identification and vegetation studies
Sand dune litter surveys - recording and collecting litter and debris
Data review and entry to databases
Drone surveys – assisting the team’s drone pilot and reviewing drone footage to identify threats and problems
You will get involved with hands-on research that will allow you to demonstrate standard scientific methodology that can be used in the field. You will learn about the importance of the ecosystems, current climate concerns and the impact these can have on both marine and terrestrial environments.

The seagrass meadow research is carried out by snorkelling on the surface of the sea, wearing a life jacket, in waters of up to 8 metres deep. Volunteers are monitored by a safety supervisor on a paddleboard and snorkel shifts will only take place in suitable sea and weather conditions. Surveying involves in-water photographic surveys, and recording GPS, depths and other properties of the sea environment.

You should be a confident swimmer who has tried snorkelled before. You should also be comfortable riding a bicycle, as this is the way you will travel to the beaches - the bikes are a great way to get around and explore the island!

Die Freiwilligen-Organisation stellt sich vor

We are an award winning non-profit organisation arranging ethical, inspiring and supported volunteering opportunities around the world since 2001. Volunteers are needed from 1- 12 weeks for animal, conservation, child care, education, teaching, building and community volunteering projects around the world.
So wählen wir die Organisationen auf unserem Portal aus.


Griechenland, Europa
Natur-und Umweltschutz
Minimum: 2 Wochen
Maximum: 4 Wochen/1 Monat
(für vollständige Preisliste die Organisation kontaktieren)
2 Wochen: 915 €
4 Wochen/1 Monat: 1725 €
Warum für Freiwilligenarbeit Geld bezahlen?
* Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr nach Angaben der Freiwilligen-Organisation. Bei Organisationen, die nicht in Euro abrechnen, können Wechselkurs-Schwankungen auftreten.
Verfügbarkeit des Projekts:
Available between May-Sept
18 Jahre
70 Jahre
Individuell oder Gruppe?
Basic English
Besondere Qualifikationen:
nicht erforderlich
Unterbringung & Verpflegung:
The volunteer house is surrounded by fruit and olive trees, giving lots of shade and space to relax. The house has simple furnishings and a communal cooking and living area. Each bedroom accommodates up to 4 volunteers and there is a shared bathroom.Meals are not included in this placement. Volunteers prepare their own meals and are able to buy groceries locally.

Kostenlos mehr Informationen anfordern

  • Sofort eine E-Mail mit der Website und der Telefonnummer der durchführenden Freiwilligen-Organisation
  • Gratis unseren Ratgeber mit ausgefüllter Check-Liste
  • Einen Sprachführer als Dankeschön, wenn du dich später anmeldest
First name
Last name
Phone number / Whatsapp / SMS
Zip code / City
Questions and motivations
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Wenn du jetzt mehr Infos anforderst, bekommt du außerdem kostenlos unseren 20-seitigen Ratgeber "So wählen Sie die richtige Freiwilligen-Organisation aus" im PDF-Format. Die Check-Liste für dieses Projekt haben wir darin bereits für rund 30 Qualitäts-Kriterien ausgefüllt. Das spart im Durchschnitt 60 Minuten Eigenrecherche. Und hilft entscheidend bei der Wahl des richtigen Freiwilligen-Projektes.