Our community program aims to engage local communities, empowering children as environmental role models via Outreach Campaigns and the Eco Club. The Eco Club, led by children, initiates projects like clean-ups and tree planting, enhancing community aesthetics while instilling pride and responsibility.
Gehörst Du zu jenen Abenteurern, die auf der Suche nach einer Auszeit sind, von der sie auch langfristig profitieren, dann ist der angebotene Kurs mit der Ausbildung zum Field Guide Level 1 die richtige Wahl. In 55 Tagen lernst Du von erfahrenen und optimal ausgebildeten Kursleitern alles Wichtige über das Zusammenspiel von Reservat, Flora und Fauna.
Get hands-on with Africa's famous wildlife and learn from some of the region's top conservationists - this rhino orphanage has even featured on the TV show 'The Supervet'! From bottle-feeding orphaned baby rhinos to monitoring adult rhinos that have been successfully released back into the wild, discover a whole holistic overview of rhino rehabilitation.
Come face to face with Africa’s Big 5 - lions, rhino, elephants, leopard and buffalo - on a famous safari reserve, within one of the world's top biodiversity hotspots. You will join as a member of the wildlife research team and help support initiatives such as the WWF Black Rhino Range Expansion Project!
Our Green Kidz Environmental Education programme, is an after school club that runs each day and welcomes around 70 up to 90 kids (2024) from the local village and aims to grow wildly passionate young people. The program uses many strategies for teaching from physical activities, computer based learning and creative development. You will be immersed into the project as one of the team members.
This volunteering mission is divided into two programs (which can be combined) aimed at conducting research for marine conservation in South Africa:Mission for the protection of penguins and seabirds in South Africa.Mission with biologists and researchers for the protection of great white sharks and whales.
Join an award winning elephant conservation team to help protect and research the desert elephants. Construct walls to protect farmers’ water infrastructure and build drinking points for the elephants to help reduce the conflict within the local community. Camp out under the stars in the beautiful Namibian desert whilst immersing yourself in pioneering conservation work.
Begib dich in der namibischen Savanne auf die Spuren der einzigartigen Wüstenelefanten! Bei deiner Freiwilligenarbeit setzt du dich für den Schutz der Dickhäuter ein. Du hilfst dabei die Spannungen zwischen der Bevölkerung und den Elefanten zu lösen. Außerdem leistest du Aufklärungsarbeit, sammelst Daten über die Tiere und hilfst dabei Farmen zu schützen. Auf ins Abenteuer Namibia!