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Animal conservation in Namibia

Einsatzort: Namibia, Afrika
Aktions-Bereich: Natur-und Umweltschutz
Live a unique and hands-on experience in animal and nature protection with our NGO in Namibia. Volunteers have the amazing opportunity to actively participate in the conservation, rehabilitation, care, and research of African wildlife. The sanctuary currently serves as a safe haven for orphaned, injured, or endangered animals.

Projekt und Rolle der Freiwilligen

Species Preservation Project in Namibia
The reserve is nestled in the Namibian bush, just 45 km from the capital, Windhoek. Our local NGO has become a world-renowned conservation organization. They provide shelter and a second chance for many injured, orphaned, or endangered animals.

The goal is, whenever possible, to release the animals back into the wild. Only animals that are too sick or have become too habituated remain in the sanctuary. Volunteer assistance is essential for us to continue caring for these animals.

The Role of Interns and Volunteers
Volunteers have the incredible opportunity to actively participate in the conservation, rehabilitation, care, and research of African wildlife. The sanctuary currently serves as a safe haven for orphaned, injured, or endangered animals, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, wild dogs, caracals, warthogs, antelopes, baboons, as well as numerous birds, small African mammals, and farm animals. The help of volunteers, who are committed to wildlife protection, is crucial for us to care for the animals in recovery or permanent residence at the sanctuary, and contributes to maintaining and developing the sanctuary.

All tasks are organized in groups according to a rotation system that ensures everyone can participate in the various experiences available.

Among the daily activities, you may:

Prepare food and feed the animals
Clean the enclosures
Improve the living conditions of the animals
Care for newborns
Perform physical work such as building new facilities
Conduct research (including monitoring free-roaming carnivores, analyzing camera traps, and GPS data).

Die Freiwilligen-Organisation stellt sich vor

As a specialist in international volunteering, we work exclusively with development projects that have a strong impact on the environment and local communities.
Our role is to match your objectives and skills with the needs of local projects. We offer immersive experiences that will provide you with an unforgettable human adventure.
So wählen wir die Organisationen auf unserem Portal aus.


Namibia, Afrika
Natur-und Umweltschutz
Minimum: 2 Wochen
Maximum: 6 Monate
(für vollständige Preisliste die Organisation kontaktieren)
2 Wochen: 1525 €
4 Wochen/1 Monat: 2945 €
8 Wochen/2 Monate: 5925 €
Warum für Freiwilligenarbeit Geld bezahlen?
* Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr nach Angaben der Freiwilligen-Organisation. Bei Organisationen, die nicht in Euro abrechnen, können Wechselkurs-Schwankungen auftreten.
Verfügbarkeit des Projekts:
All year
18 Jahre
kein Höchstalter
Individuell oder Gruppe?
Intermediate level of English (understand instructions, able to communicate).
Besondere Qualifikationen:
nicht erforderlich
Unterbringung & Verpflegung:
The house is located in a secure environment at the heart of the refuge. Volunteers stay in shared accommodations, in rooms or tents with a maximum of 4 people, with a communal bathroom. Sheets and towels are provided. There is also a pool on site that volunteers can use during their free time.

Kostenlos mehr Informationen anfordern

  • Sofort eine E-Mail mit der Website und der Telefonnummer der durchführenden Freiwilligen-Organisation
  • Gratis unseren Ratgeber mit ausgefüllter Check-Liste
  • Einen Sprachführer als Dankeschön, wenn du dich später anmeldest
First name
Last name
Phone number / Whatsapp / SMS
Zip code / City
Questions and motivations
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So wählen Sie die richtige Freiwilligen-Organisation aus

Wenn du jetzt mehr Infos anforderst, bekommt du außerdem kostenlos unseren 20-seitigen Ratgeber "So wählen Sie die richtige Freiwilligen-Organisation aus" im PDF-Format. Die Check-Liste für dieses Projekt haben wir darin bereits für rund 30 Qualitäts-Kriterien ausgefüllt. Das spart im Durchschnitt 60 Minuten Eigenrecherche. Und hilft entscheidend bei der Wahl des richtigen Freiwilligen-Projektes.