Du liebst Tiere und möchtest dich für einen guten Zweck engagieren? In Irland kannst du dich in Tierheimen für vernachlässigte Hunde, Pferde, Ponys und Esel einsetzen. Hier lernst du nicht nur, worauf es in der Arbeit mit Tieren genau ankommt, sondern setzt dich ganz nebenbei für eine gute Sache ein!
Volunteers at our Wildlife Orphanage nurture animals and educate local children on wildlife care. We rehabilitate injured or orphaned animals, integral to our vision. Children, often unfamiliar with local wildlife due to poaching, learn to coexist and protect these animals, understanding their role in tourism and employment.
Dein Herz für Tiere, deine Vorliebe für Kapstadt und dein Wunsch etwas Sinnvolles zu tun lassen sich miteinander vereinbaren! Denn durch deine Unterstützung in einer Tierauffangstation kannst du einen entscheidenden Beitrag leisten, die Tiere vor Ort von den Straßen zu holen und diese gesund zu pflegen.
The goal of our field volunteer program is to contribute to sustainable development in the area of the Inner Ionian island archipelago in Greece. For this activity, volunteers monitor the bird diversity and behavior for a variety of coastal ecosystems principally in the island of Kalamos, using direct observations, sound recorders and passive acoustic monitoring devices.
Join a wildlife rescue team and care for the animals in the sanctuary. Provide food and enrichment for a variety of animals including monkeys, sloths and anteaters that have been injured, orphaned or mistreated. Observe, monitor and collect data on animals which are being rehabilitated for release. Explore the beautiful rainforest surroundings and coastal National Park in your free time.
Travel to Argentina and gain valuable veterinary experience by caring for animals in need. Assist at a local dog shelter and shadow a veterinarian in a clinic. Make a meaningful impact while building your CV. You'll help support animals that have suffered abuse and neglect, working in a city known for its vibrant culture. Perfect for those passionate about animal care and eager to learn.