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Teaching French, German, Italian or English

Einsatzort: Argentinien, Lateinamerika & Karibik
Aktions-Bereich: Unterricht & Bildung
Gain teaching experience while helping children or adults in Argentina improve their foreign language skills. As a volunteer, you'll boost students' confidence in communication while enhancing your CV. Teach or assist classes in local schools or institutes, and enjoy a unique cultural immersion experience. You can help with English, French, Italian, or German.

Projekt und Rolle der Freiwilligen

Your Role as a Volunteer

In our Education Volunteer Program, you’ll play an active part in improving the foreign language proficiency of children and adults alike. Your tasks may include:

  • Work as a Teacher’s Assistant: Collaborate with local teachers to guide students in learning foreign languages. Assist with class management and support individual students as they practice their language skills.
  • Prepare Interactive Lessons: Help design and implement interactive lessons focused on conversational English, Italian, French, or German. These lessons will emphasize speaking, listening, and pronunciation to help students gain confidence in real-world communication.
  • Teach Other Subjects or Languages: Depending on your background and interests, you may also have the opportunity to teach other subjects or introduce a second foreign language to the curriculum.
  • Create Teaching Materials: Get creative by designing posters, flashcards, and other materials to make learning more engaging for students. These resources will help students visualize key concepts and make learning more dynamic and enjoyable.

What You’ll Gain

By participating in this program, you'll not only be helping students improve their communication skills but also gaining essential teaching experience. Whether you aspire to a career in education or are just exploring this path, the program will provide you with classroom management skills, lesson planning experience, and an understanding of how to motivate students.

This experience will look great on your CV, especially if you plan to work in education, international development, or any profession requiring communication skills. Additionally, living in Argentina offers a fantastic chance to improve your Spanish, as you will be surrounded by native speakers both in and out of the classroom.

Die Freiwilligen-Organisation stellt sich vor

We are a team of people with more than thirty years of experience in organizing volunteer and internship placements abroad. We are committed to sustainable projects and are proud of the positive impact we see day after day. We believe in the value of our programs for the environment, for the communities in which we operate, and for the people who participate. We ourselves have been volunteers. We know what is needed to make sure that you can have an extraordinary experience. We guarantee support and tutoring, wherever they are needed, so that each volunteer can make a real contribution. This is an opportunity for discovery, personal growth, and awareness. There are many people who have told us how living and working with us has changed their lives. We believe this individual change can also have positive effects on larger changes in the world.
So wählen wir die Organisationen auf unserem Portal aus.


Argentinien, Lateinamerika & Karibik
Unterricht & Bildung
Minimum: 2 Wochen
Maximum: 1 Jahr
(für vollständige Preisliste die Organisation kontaktieren)
2 Wochen: 1795 €
4 Wochen/1 Monat: 2295 €
8 Wochen/2 Monate: 3304 €
3 Monate: 4312 €
Warum für Freiwilligenarbeit Geld bezahlen?
* Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr nach Angaben der Freiwilligen-Organisation. Bei Organisationen, die nicht in Euro abrechnen, können Wechselkurs-Schwankungen auftreten.
Verfügbarkeit des Projekts:
This project is available during school year, tipically from March to December.
18 Jahre
kein Höchstalter
Individuell oder Gruppe?
Individuell / Gruppe
You should know the language you will be teaching
Besondere Qualifikationen:
nicht erforderlich
Unterbringung & Verpflegung:
You will stay with a host family in Córdoba. They will welcome you into their home and will be happy to share their customs and learn about your culture. We believe that this is the best way to immerse yourself in the Argentine lifestyle and have a truly unique experience. Your room will be simple, but comfortable, clean and safe. The cost of the program includes three meals a day.

Kostenlos mehr Informationen anfordern

  • Sofort eine E-Mail mit der Website und der Telefonnummer der durchführenden Freiwilligen-Organisation
  • Gratis unseren Ratgeber mit ausgefüllter Check-Liste
  • Einen Sprachführer als Dankeschön, wenn du dich später anmeldest
First name
Last name
Phone number / Whatsapp / SMS
Zip code / City
Questions and motivations
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So wählen Sie die richtige Freiwilligen-Organisation aus

Wenn du jetzt mehr Infos anforderst, bekommt du außerdem kostenlos unseren 20-seitigen Ratgeber "So wählen Sie die richtige Freiwilligen-Organisation aus" im PDF-Format. Die Check-Liste für dieses Projekt haben wir darin bereits für rund 30 Qualitäts-Kriterien ausgefüllt. Das spart im Durchschnitt 60 Minuten Eigenrecherche. Und hilft entscheidend bei der Wahl des richtigen Freiwilligen-Projektes.