Our Partner
A disability is not necessarily an inescapable condition resulting from pre-existing health issues. It is also a consequence of the negative interaction with an inhospitable and hostile environment. Any innovative initiative requires measures designed to break down the barriers that hinder the inclusion on a daily basis of people affected by disabilities within our society.
Special Needs organisations intend to focus not only on people with disabilities, but also on those who interact daily with them, such as teachers and parents, friends and colleagues. The aim is to create a best practice that can be duplicated overtime in order to ease the issues associated with these conditions. This approach depicts a multifaceted, non-partial and educational development method made readily available to those who have a disability and also to those who want to interact effectively with them.
Possible Tasks
Depending on the centre where volunteers will be hosted the various activities and tasks may include:
Support to services provided to the centre's guests such as psychotherapy, neuro-psychomotor therapy, educational training
Support, participation or teaching in artistic or creative workshops (e.g. theatre, music and handcrafting), activities supporting the development of an enhanced personal autonomy and/or recreational activities
Desk support in communication, marketing and fundraising with activities such as web editing, social media management, campaigning, content production and grant making activities
The Target Grouyp:
Mainly adults with Down syndrome or authism issues. Some of them has been at home with their parents from many years: they received love and care, but not a real support to become more independent, to improve their skills and in develpoing their social skills. The NGO is making them feel party of a family and a group, helping families and them to grow and have a better quality of life.
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