Our projects cover three main areas. Firstly, the on-site environmental education program with the children at our camp. Secondly, our wildlife orphanage with rescued animals. Finally, we work with the surrounding villages to develop the community.
We have created a community program to increase our impact with a wider range of people. As a result, we are able to actively engage with neighboring local villages. We achieve this through our two main programs: awareness campaigns and the Eco Club. We also organize visits for volunteers to the villages. The aim is to empower local people and encourage ecotourism.
We offer environmental education to underprivileged children. The pupils are middle-school students (aged 12 to 14) from the surrounding villages. Every Monday morning, we welcome 8 children for five days. International volunteers teach them about the environment and wildlife. Lessons include outdoor activities, educational games and social discussions.
Our orphanage is home to many animals that have no chance of being released back into the wild. For example, some of them are injured and need constant care. Others have been hand-raised and therefore could not survive in the wild. These animals live in enclosures in our reserve. However, we have released animals into the wild whenever possible. The animals in our care play an essential role as part of our environmental education program. More importantly, these animals act as ambassadors for our children.
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