On the shores of Thailand's most beautiful beaches, you will participate in the protection of sea turtles and the ecosystem. During the dry season, the program will focus on coastal environmental protection and the marine ecosystem. During the rainy season, it will concentrate more on the terrestrial environment.
Take your family on a wildlife volunteering adventure in Thailand. Help over 700 animals in a wildlife sanctuary, from elephants to orangutans, from sun bears to monkeys. Volunteering holidays will provide a fun-filled alternative to typical family holidays, where all the family can work together to make a difference.
Unterstütze uns auf der atemberaubenden Insel Koh Tao im Meeresschutz, lerne professionell zu tauchen und setze deine theoretisch und praktisch erworbenen Kenntnisse vielfältig im Meeresschutz ein! Du wirst aktiv in Unterwasserstudien, Analysen, Beach Clean ups und der Pflege von Korallenaufzuchtstationen - angeleitet von einem engagierten Profiteam, dem der Meeresschutz besonders am Herzen liegt!
The Elephant Sanctuary in Chiang Mai, Thailand, welcomes volunteers who wish to participate in the care of animals. In this incredible setting in northern Thailand, you will take care of the rehabilitation of the elephants at the animal sanctuary. This program offers genuine training on environmental and animal protection within a different culture.
Explore the ocean and its creatures to help promote the future of the marine world. Become a part of this important research and conservation mission, whose findings are helping to shape Thai government legislation. With up to three dives per day and access to plenty of expert knowledge, you will learn to appreciate and understand the complexities of marine conservation.