Our community program aims to engage local communities, empowering children as environmental role models via Outreach Campaigns and the Eco Club. The Eco Club, led by children, initiates projects like clean-ups and tree planting, enhancing community aesthetics while instilling pride and responsibility.
Our volunteer program is designed to give you the opportunity to teach important lessons to local children, care for our injured wildlife and fully immerse yourself in the South African bush! As teachers and guardians of our organization, our volunteers are essential to the success of our programs and have a real impact on local communities!
Du möchtest Teil eines der aufregendsten Arten- und Tierschutzprojekte im Herzen Afrikas sein und so einen wertvollen Beitrag leisten, Du willst ein unvergessliches Abenteuer erleben und Dich weiterbilden? Dann ist dieses Projekt genau das Richtige für Dich! Die Tierüberwachung ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Verfolgung von Tierbewegungsmustern und der Lebensraumnutzung der Populationen.
Work with nature’s gentle giants on this inspiring conservation and research project. Working closely with the abused and displaced elephants, you gain a rich insight into one of the world’s most intelligent creatures. As a volunteer you get to know the elephants intimately whilst caring for them, feeding them and contributing to advancing research.
Löwen, Elefanten, Leoparden, Büffel, Nashornvögel, Nashörner, Wildhunde und Hyänen - so vielfältig sind die Tierarten im Fokus unseres Artenschutzprojektes in einem 25.000 ha großen Naturschutzgebietes! Werde Teil des Forschungs- und Monitoring-Teams und unterstütze die Datenerhebung für wissenschaftliche Langzeitstudien über Afrikas ikonische Wildtierarten auf Wanderungen und Pirschfahrten.
Join us in making a difference at one of Africa's largest and most established rehabilitation centres! Moholoholo has been dedicated to saving animals' lives for over 25 years. As a volunteer, you'll immerse yourself in the vital work of nursing injured, poisoned, and orphaned wildlife back to health while actively supporting their conservation.
Our Green Kidz Environmental Education programme, is an after school club that runs each day and welcomes around 70 up to 90 kids (2024) from the local village and aims to grow wildly passionate young people. The program uses many strategies for teaching from physical activities, computer based learning and creative development. You will be immersed into the project as one of the team members.