Every year, over 640,000 tonnes of fishing gear is lost in our oceans. As a consequence, more than 130,000 seals, whales and dolphins are being killed annually by this debris. This volunteer project involves diving in the ocean near Lisbon, removing fishing gear and other rubbish from the ocean bed and reefs.
Each day, 2000kg of food is wasted in Portugal. Meanwhile, thousands of people are living below the poverty line, unable to afford substantial and healthy meals each day. Volunteers on this project travel around the city of Lisbon collecting unwanted food from retailers, and distribute it to those in need.
Join a charity that aims to care for people and the environment with the help of horses. Work with horses each day to help provide education and therapy to people who have faced challenges in life, and head out into the forest to rejuvenate the natural environment. Get your fix of city life too living in the UNESCO heritage city of Porto.
Wolves are in severe danger of excinction in Portugal. Their main threat is us - they have been hunted drastically and kept in zoos in awful conditions. Join a wolf sanctuary located in a National Park just outside Lisbon, where you will work with rescued wolves to give them a life as close to the wild as possible.